

paris franz
Washing potsherds in Cyprus

 Just call me Indy.

My name is actually Paris Franz (yes, really), which I have learnt to live with. Quite what my parents were thinking when they named me, I have no idea. Carrying such a name around the playground of a South London comprehensive school was no laughing matter, let me tell you, but I like to think it made me a stronger person. Maybe.

I've been a history geek for as long as I can remember, and I've carried that fascination forward, with a degree in History and Archaeology from the University of London. I have taken part in archaeological digs and surveys in England, Italy, Belize and Cyprus, and I have plans for more.

Yes, I once knew how to use a theodolite
A blog was the inevitable next step.

I'm also a writer and photographer, with work published in various places, including The Independent, Wanderlust, Decoded Past and Europe Up Close, among others. I've found that history, art and archaeology have been the common threads through my various endeavours.

I'm on the web at various places, principally at my main writer website and at Twitter.

Many thanks for checking out my blog!

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